I cannot stand GW. Consider yourself lucky if you have not experienced those yellow styrofoam tri-corner hat wearing, Corn Pops tossing dorks that inhabit their student section.

Colonials just beats out The Cardinal as the stupidest name in college basketball. Think about what George Washington did with his life. He dedicated it to NOT BEING A COLONIAL. He victoriously lead an army against impossible odds to not be a Colonial. What a bunch of ignorant, pinko numbnuts.

Not to mention the abomination that is the inflatable George Washington and the streaking George Washington. You read that right. If the name and blow-up caricature is not insult enough, the regular mascot strips down and goes streaking across the floor.

This cannot stand. I'm not going to sit hear and let them badmouth the Founding Father of our great nation. Xavier must pummel GW into obliteration. Xavier must pound them so hard the Smith Center collapses into the swamp Foggy Bottom came from. Xavier must smack them so hard they have XAVIER - FLAGSHIP tattooed on their foreheads.