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Thread: More NIL fun!

  1. #11
    Supporting Member xubrew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArizonaXUGrad View Post
    Also possible that the quality of play on the court was a result of a lack of compensation. Answer is probably a little of both, court will bring out what happened here. If Hamilton faked the "business men", that will come out. If they are real and made promises they couldn't deliver that will as well.
    Or it will be settled out of court and none of it will come out.
    "You can't fix stupid." Ron White

  2. #12
    Senior bjf123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xubrew View Post
    Or it will be settled out of court and none of it will come out.
    While I’m guessing this will be settled out of court , I’d love to see a full blown trial to expose some of how NIL works, or doesn’t work.

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  3. #13
    How does this get settled?

    Either the businessmen pay or Hamilton pays? I can't see it any other way. Did the players sue the businessmen? I don't think I read that in the article I saw. If Hamilton is forced to pay does this mean coaches are on the hook for NIL deals?

  4. #14
    Supporting Member xubrew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArizonaXUGrad View Post
    How does this get settled?

    Either the businessmen pay or Hamilton pays? I can't see it any other way. Did the players sue the businessmen? I don't think I read that in the article I saw. If Hamilton is forced to pay does this mean coaches are on the hook for NIL deals?
    The same way all civil matters get settled. Rather than the players risk getting nothing, they'll be willing to take some of it. Rather than Hamilton risk having to pay all of it, he (and probably the businessmen) will agree to pay them some of it. The terms of the agreement won't be disclosed.
    "You can't fix stupid." Ron White

  5. #15
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    Revenue share is in. Nil is mostly out:

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xville View Post
    Revenue share is in. Nil is mostly out:
    This is exactly what I mean when I say this as a broader opportunity to improve outside of the basketball program.

    The ADs that are best able to pivot and navigate this new world are the programs that are going to have a leg up. Do we have that person who has a vision for change? Or are the X administrators stuck in "The Xavier Way".

    I'm not saying The Xavier Way is bad, but you have to evaluate continuing legacy practice when things shift in the marketplace so drastically. To me, that falls square on the President/AD, and you need someone with a new vision in a new world. It's the President's job to get the right AD at the helm for the most success.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by drudy23 View Post
    This is exactly what I mean when I say this as a broader opportunity to improve outside of the basketball program.

    The ADs that are best able to pivot and navigate this new world are the programs that are going to have a leg up. Do we have that person who has a vision for change? Or are the X administrators stuck in "The Xavier Way".

    I'm not saying The Xavier Way is bad, but you have to evaluate continuing legacy practice when things shift in the marketplace so drastically. To me, that falls square on the AD, and you need an AD with a new vision in a new world.
    I think it even goes up a level higher. WTH is Val Ackerman doing to ensure that the big East conference remains competitive in this brand new world?

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xville View Post
    I think it even goes up a level higher. WTH is Val Ackerman doing to ensure that the big East conference remains competitive in this brand new world?
    For sure. Great point.

  9. #19
    All-Conference bleedXblue's Avatar
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    So, I didn't read the entire article. What revenue are they sharing? Who decides the revenue amount? Is there going to be a cap and then it still sounds like NIL can be paid on TOP? How is any of this good news or a cleaning up of the current landscape?

  10. #20
    Senior bjf123's Avatar
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    It will take a few more years, and a lot of lawsuits, to see where it all ends up. The article certainly hints at schools already trying to come up with ways around the new NIL rules.

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    Golf is a relatively simple game, played by reasonably intelligent people, stupidly.

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