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Thread: NBA anyone?

  1. #1

    NBA anyone?

    Anyone else intrigued by the Nova-Knicks?

    These guys were low 1st round, 2nd round guys that are playing on their 2nd or 3rd teams. They 3 missed 9 games this year total.

    Impressive, because as parts on other teams they each were solid, but this reunion is very interesting. Chemistry.

    Or gelling?
    Last edited by MHettel; 05-15-2024 at 01:44 AM.

  2. #2
    When just one isnt enough X-band '01's Avatar
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    It certainly explained the huge Knicks fan presence in Philly while that series was going on.

    I'm more fascinated by the Nuggets dropping their first two at home against Minnesota, yet they've completely flipped the script with 3 straight wins since falling behind.

  3. #3
    Senior bjf123's Avatar
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    Couldn’t tell you the last time I watched an NBA game. Call the damned travel!!!!!

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  4. #4
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    I love it. They are a bit of a throwback to a 90s team but with outside shooting which is awesome. Hope they finish off the pacers and make the Celtics cry.

  5. #5
    Supporting Member xu82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf123 View Post
    Couldn’t tell you the last time I watched an NBA game. Call the damned travel!!!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    And maybe put a little effort in on a Tuesday night when you’re playing in Charlotte. We used to bribe our basketball loving kids when we traveled to NBA cities. “Behave well today and we’ll take you to see LeBron play the Celtics tonight!” Finally one night my little AAU point guard turned to me a few minutes in and said “they’re not even trying!”

    When sports talk radio gets on the NBA, I listen to music. I don’t even watch the Finals anymore.

  6. #6
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    Sean went into that a little on his podcast. Said a lot of people watch on tv and think they Aren’t trying or playing hard, but if you go to the game you see how fast it moves and how much they are working. Having said that, I’ve never been so can’t comment on it.

    As of the nova Knicks. I think it’s pretty cool, and would be absolutely awesome if that happened with former X players. Just being and playing rotational minutes on the same team would be cool. I bet Jay wright is really enjoying watching this.

  7. #7
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    I am a diehard Knicks fan. Taking my 5 yo and 8 yo to game 6 in Indy Friday. Hoping we see them close out the Pacers.

    What the Knicks have done in the face of massive injuries is amazing.

    They don't have a single lottery pick playing minutes for them. Divencenzo I believe was the highest pick (think 17).

    I believe they only have 1 guy (Brunson) starting for them who was a day 1 starter. Now some of that is due to the OG trade.

    Thibs is a hell of a coach (not without some faults) but the fact he wasn't even top 3 in COTY is crazy. Brunson deserves to be 1st team all NBA but will probably be snubbed and on 2nd team.

    Brunson was the highest American finisher in the MVP race (5th) yet is not on the USA basketball team. The knicks are a team full of guys with a chip on their shoulder who play hard at all times. They played this way in the reg season and having to do it in the playoffs (and a lot of mins) isn't new for them.

    To me (obviously biased) they seem like an extremely likable team and an easy one to root for if you have no other rooting interest.

    Beating the Celtics probably isn't in the cards (with all the injuries) but the Knicks future is bright. Lot's of good contracts (Brunson's is probably the biggest steal in the NBA right now) and lots of draft capital.

    Go NY, Go NY, GO!
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  8. #8
    Supporting Member bobbiemcgee's Avatar
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    The Champs are still the Champs . MVP Joker and Miracle maker Jamal:
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  9. #9
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    Knicks are just like watching Jay Wright's Nova. Brunson constantly using his forearm to push off, just like in the Big East, Divencenso flopping, and Hart's general sneakiness. I swear during Wrights tenure all his guards made space by using their forearms like weapons.

  10. #10
    Supporting Member X-man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JTG View Post
    Knicks are just like watching Jay Wright's Nova. Brunson constantly using his forearm to push off, just like in the Big East, Divencenso flopping, and Hart's general sneakiness. I swear during Wrights tenure all his guards made space by using their forearms like weapons.
    Kinda like Kolek at Marquette. If he couldn't create space by pushing off or hooking with his right arm, he wasn't going to score more often than not. Good passer though.
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