Man I have had a few beers. It has been entertaining. At the end of the day, your country has racked up roughly 15 trillion in debt in the last 15 years. There is nothing that can save you now. Not Donald Trump, and not Hillary Clinton. It is already over.

On other news, Muskies could contend for the title. I love it too. Bread and Circuses of course!

Distractions are the best avoidance we have. If you think that Donald Trump signifies the end of America, don't worry, America ended long before Donald J Trump.

Now I will admit that Donald Trump is an asshole. He really is. I am more of a Mitt Romney kind of guy. But that is a respectable loser. I still love that guy and think he was the best candidate we ever had, and he hated Trump.

I would like to leave this space for you Democrats to finally vent seriously about how flawed Hillary Clinton was as a person, let alone a candidate.

I love you all, and I would like to apologize to those who took it personally and thought I made this some political vendetta. Politics are entertaining to me, but sadly my view is that America lost no matter who got elected.


This post is a recreation of a post nearly 3 years ago.

Here is a link to the original post.


That post was locked up and shut down.

The House of Snipe was deplatformed on that night three years ago on this forum.

Should that post have been shut down? Is this a better forum because my posts were locked down?