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  1. #1
    Supporting Member Titanxman04's Avatar
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    Findlay, OH

    Employment help for Cleveland

    As I mentioned in a previous thread, my fiance earned a residency at the Cleveland Clinic this summer. We are incredibly thrilled and excited about starting our lives together in a new city and should things work out, even call Cleveland (or it's surrounding area) home. I would love for us to settle in that area as I know there are a lot of opportunities and possibilities in NE Ohio, and thus, am turning once again to the XH community for assistance.

    I have begun the job hunt. I currently work for Buffalo Wild Wings as a manager. While I could move and continue working for the brand, it is not my goal. With the Mrs. being in a position that would involve her being on-call every other week, I am looking for something that doesn't keep me through 2 or even 3 in the morning. Buffalo Wild Wings is a terrific company to work for, but when starting a family and raising kids, it certainly is not ideal. More so, while there certainly are intrinsic rewards in the business, I am hoping for something that would provide more to others than simply ensuring their dinner service was satisfactory. Anything in non-profit, for instance, would be incredible.

    Any help with contacts would be greatly appreciated. If should any of you know anyone up there that I could get in contact with, we would be very grateful. Should anyone prefer, I'd love the opportunity to e-mail you a copy of my resume. Just PM me with an e-mail address.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this.

    If you think of me, I hope you think of me well and if you drink to me, don't drink cheap - Ken "Firehose" Akers (1/27/85 - 1/22/11)

  2. #2
    Sophomore MCXU's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titanxman04 View Post
    As I mentioned in a previous thread, my fiance earned a residency at the Cleveland Clinic this summer. We are incredibly thrilled and excited about starting our lives together in a new city and should things work out, even call Cleveland (or it's surrounding area) home. I would love for us to settle in that area as I know there are a lot of opportunities and possibilities in NE Ohio, and thus, am turning once again to the XH community for assistance.

    I have begun the job hunt. I currently work for Buffalo Wild Wings as a manager. While I could move and continue working for the brand, it is not my goal. With the Mrs. being in a position that would involve her being on-call every other week, I am looking for something that doesn't keep me through 2 or even 3 in the morning. Buffalo Wild Wings is a terrific company to work for, but when starting a family and raising kids, it certainly is not ideal. More so, while there certainly are intrinsic rewards in the business, I am hoping for something that would provide more to others than simply ensuring their dinner service was satisfactory. Anything in non-profit, for instance, would be incredible.

    Any help with contacts would be greatly appreciated. If should any of you know anyone up there that I could get in contact with, we would be very grateful. Should anyone prefer, I'd love the opportunity to e-mail you a copy of my resume. Just PM me with an e-mail address.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this.

    Unfortunatly, according to this video a train took all of the jobs out of Clevelend.

  3. #3
    Supporting Member Titanxman04's Avatar
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    Findlay, OH
    Yea, I know that train. Thats how BBC gets around. He's the regions most well-traveled hobo. If you ever meet him, mention it to him. He might act confused or even upset, but deep down, he's proud of his accomplishments.
    If you think of me, I hope you think of me well and if you drink to me, don't drink cheap - Ken "Firehose" Akers (1/27/85 - 1/22/11)

  4. #4
    Supporting Member Masterofreality's Avatar
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    On America's Great North Coast
    Send me a PM, Titan, with what kind of career you're looking for.
    "I Got CHAMPIONS in that Lockerroom!" -Stanley Burrell

  5. #5
    Supporting Member WCWIII's Avatar
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    Naperville IL
    Suggest using Advanced Search in LinkedIn and find Xavier contacts in Cleveland. Join alums at chapter events ... maybe even volunteer to help your own networking night. If you need something specific, as an alum, you can contact Xavier's career services. Lot's you can do ... best wishes.

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