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    MOR, I will never understand the liberal mind. I trust that is a good thing.

    We're not naive; we know this is about power. But once upon a time, politicians understood that they had to perform for the good of the country to a reasonable degree to even have a shot at obtaining power. They used to get along within that dynamic. Not now. Not with a looney toons left wanting to redefine the country.

    We will be able to enjoy watching Trump win in November and continuing his agenda for the country. We'll be able to juxtapose that against the Far Left's continuing efforts to take him down while doing nothing for their constituents.

    If all this breaks the right way, the next six years may save this country yet.

    In the meantime, go X!
    Al menos me respetaba, se daba cuenta de que me apartaba y me decía,........
    -no problem,............ ya married.
    -¿ya married?, -no, no, le decía yo. Ahora no married.
    Lo que quería decirme es que era igual que si estuviéramos casados que ya podíamos tener relaciones, que no había que esperar. Y lo que quería yo era alargarlo cuanto más mejor. Me daba pánico hacer el amor con él. En realidad me daría con cualquiera.
    Mis amigas me habían contado muchas cosas sobre eso, que si la primera vez se sangraba, que si hacía daño etc. Y la verdad no me apetecía pro
  3. Samsung bragged that the Galaxy S5 can endure up to 10 hours of web browsing, and up to 12 hours of HD video playback, which are impressive numbers indeed - See More: samsung galaxy S5 unlocked
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    Ok, O exalted leader and Brother LHS cherub. WTF is the avatar of the Bear that looks like he's playing with his dick? Damn! Damn, I'm still not peeing correctly, and I look at the avatar of my admired one and see one of my family playing with himself??? Now I'm fully aware our beloved Muskies are playing the Baylor Bears, the black sheep of our clan, but damn! A jacking off bruin? My God, man. Have you no shame? At least find one of us that's eating berries or awash in a salmon loaded stream, but that pose4. Yuch!!!
  5. View Conversation
    Page me when you get to Post #6666. Only in 2012 can this happen.
  6. View Conversation
    MOR, hope you weigh in on a post I made tonight on a thread in the open section entitled "Amazing Jews." Thanks--
  7. View Conversation
    Harry - Peggy Cody here, I just joined the xavierhoops message board, so be careful! How cool is it that X plays in your backyard! Golfitup is hoping to be in the house. Keep those Marquette Dublikars away! HA!
  8. View Conversation
    Holy crap - I forgot about the Reader's Digest avatar!
  9. View Conversation
    MOR, Do you have any updates on Mark Trausch? I've been thinking about him off and on and thought it might be time to see if anyone knows how he is coming along. Thanks in advance if you do - xudash
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    513-313-5783. My name is Tim. I'll look for your call.
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Louisville, KY born, Nashville, TN - Fr Ryan High School, Xavier 4 year Golf Letterman & Sr Year Cap
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