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  • xubrew's Avatar
    Today, 10:23 AM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    And this is why the Left will lose. Everyone knows it's a bunch of crap. It's pathetic. In addition to being totally indecent, it's also totally...
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  • X-band '01's Avatar
    Today, 05:28 AM
    I always come from the Dana Ave exit to Montgomery to Cleneay; I usually try to get to the game about 60 minutes before tipoff. The noncon games...
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  • X-band '01's Avatar
    Today, 05:26 AM
    X-band '01 replied to a thread Candy Poll in Out on the Mall
    It's nice to go to Dairy Queen once in a while for the Butterfinger Blizzard. And yes, Twix is another awesome candy bar.
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  • xubrew's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:18 PM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    You're absolutely right. In each of those countries they are elected by the legislatures and not a direct popular vote. So, those were bad...
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  • xubrew's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:13 PM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    I think Donald Trump just announced that he's running for president of Bangladesh...
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  • xubrew's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:41 PM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    I don't think I'm poo-pooing on it. I just don't buy it as something that is essential, nor do I think of it as something that we can't at least...
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  • xubrew's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:37 PM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    Correct. Now, what do you think would happen if the electors decided “this time we are actually going to convene as a college!” And then decided...
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  • xubrew's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:59 AM
    I hate that the season now starts on a Monday, and will soon start even earlier. The Second Friday in November seemed like a good day to start. I...
    105 replies | 5269 view(s)
  • xubrew's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:20 AM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    The Electoral College isn't even a college. It hasn't been for quite some time. That's kind of my point. People say that it was genius, and that...
    24216 replies | 4245336 view(s)
  • xubrew's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:45 AM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    Yunno, if we had the electoral college, like...the actual original idea of the electoral college, Trump and Harris would almost assuredly not be...
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  • xubrew's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:31 AM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    I can see that. I can also see it the other way too. Yeah...not really. Most people probably think of the electoral college being...
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  • xubrew's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:06 AM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    Well, to be fair, so did James Madison. He was actually pretty vocally against it after playing a key role in creating it. I think they both make...
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  • xubrew's Avatar
    10-30-2024, 07:39 PM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    Trump is clearly winning the trolling war…
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  • X-band '01's Avatar
    10-30-2024, 04:45 PM
    I love falling back every year and getting an extra hour of sleep on the first Sunday of November. Means we're on the doorstep of college...
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  • xubrew's Avatar
    10-30-2024, 01:11 PM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    The Democrats in a nutshell....
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  • xubrew's Avatar
    10-30-2024, 09:50 AM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    I think turning the clocks back is one of the most insanely idiotic things we do. If you look at our entire history as a species, this perhaps tops...
    24216 replies | 4245336 view(s)
  • xubrew's Avatar
    10-30-2024, 09:00 AM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    Yeah, he said the only garbage he sees out there are Trump supporters. Maybe that isn't what he meant to say, but that's what he actually said. To...
    24216 replies | 4245336 view(s)
  • xubrew's Avatar
    10-29-2024, 02:44 PM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    There's no smooth way out of this. I don't know what day today is. It's been that kind of week.
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  • xubrew's Avatar
    10-29-2024, 01:52 PM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    Election Day is a week from tomorrow!! That means we are just two months away from knowing who won!!!
    24216 replies | 4245336 view(s)
  • xubrew's Avatar
    10-29-2024, 12:38 PM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    Yes. They are. And they're very bad at being critical of the things that they can actually legitimately be critical of. So the end result is that...
    24216 replies | 4245336 view(s)
  • xubrew's Avatar
    10-29-2024, 09:35 AM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    If you don't like what a guy says and does, then you need to just stick to what it is they actually say and do when you criticize them. There is an...
    24216 replies | 4245336 view(s)
  • xubrew's Avatar
    10-29-2024, 08:15 AM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    Dear Left, Trump is a bad guy, and a trainwreck of a leader, and a lying narcissistic piece of shit. But he's not Hitler. Just stop it.
    24216 replies | 4245336 view(s)
  • xubrew's Avatar
    10-28-2024, 12:12 PM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    I still need to place my bet!!
    24216 replies | 4245336 view(s)
  • X-band '01's Avatar
    10-28-2024, 05:21 AM
    Nah, you're supposed to say that they were Democratic plants designed to leave the rally.
    24216 replies | 4245336 view(s)
  • X-band '01's Avatar
    10-28-2024, 05:20 AM
    Pretty he would have said "Piss off, wanker" if he were British.
    24216 replies | 4245336 view(s)
  • xubrew's Avatar
    10-25-2024, 09:18 AM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    Therein lies the problem. I don't have that much of a will.
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  • xubrew's Avatar
    10-25-2024, 08:21 AM
    xubrew replied to a thread Politics Thread in The House of Smack
    So is Polymarket not available to people in the United States??
    24216 replies | 4245336 view(s)
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5 Visitor Messages

    Aunque lo que comían no me hacía mucha ilusión, así que como que me daba igual. La cena era a las seis de la tarde y sobre las ocho de la noche a dormir que había que madrugar al día siguiente, claro que yo iba a mi bola. Pasaba de los horarios de ellos y comía mal.
    Eso de que todos metiéramos los palillos,-(otro de los problemas de comer, no existían tenedores)- y la cuchara en los mismo platos me daba algo de asquito.
    En cuanto al sexo no
  2. View Conversation
    Solid work in the Psychology of the Troll thread. Reps!
  3. View Conversation
    I have been out of officiating for awhile so I could attend college later in life and get my degrees.( 1995-99)and go into teaching. It was jr high and high school.I did work some games w/ Tom Clark and Mike Sanzere. Coaching the same except I had cup of coffee coaching at Wilmington College in the mid 90's.
  4. haven't gotten your emails dan. gotta check my spam filter.

    a better address to reach me at is i sent you an email as well. your disc is ready. i just need to know where to send it.

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    brew, everything ok? sent a couple of e-mails but haven't heard back. i hope everything is fine.
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