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    Pero tu lo entiendes y le das otra oportunidad....tan buena tu...
    Seguro que te mando un mail!!!!!! Y que haces??? Enciendes el
    ordenador contenta, segurade que te mando una declaracion
    cibernetica donde explica todo....pero ningun mensaje nuevo, ni si
    quiera una cadena donde te condenan con la maldicion gitana si no
    la reenvias a 1300 personasen menos de 3 segundos...

    Y te enfadas...mas bien...te encabronas! revientas!!!!!!!!....
    ELBASTARDO HIJO DE SU PUTA MADRE, su tía y su abuela...
    y le sacas todas las groserías que te sepas a loscuatro vientos!!!

    Y que haces?? Bien, llamas a todas tus amigas y les quemas
    el cerebro con la inexplicabilidad de los hechos..... y recuerdas
    que ya te paso lo mismo con el resto de los tíos de antes..
  2. View Conversation
    Yeah, would have been interesting to see it play out without the T. But ultimately Xavier was the better team and better coach tonight.
  3. View Conversation
    Change is coming, man. It's a complicated case. Lotta ins. Lotta outs. Fortunately, I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, Adam Smith, uh, regimen to keep my mind, you know, uh, limber.
  4. View Conversation
    It was started by the same gentleman who began Irish Envy (when it was good)...and sold it about 3 years ago, and started up GH. Some of the best Irish posters I know are at GH. Thanx for the comment.
  5. Garvin - Your mother would disagree with your first assertion and I'm not worried about being punched by a limp wristed candy arse like yourself
  6. View Conversation
    I want to punch Strange Brew in the face.
  7. View Conversation
    You are such a dickless wonder.
  8. View Conversation
    Strange is the only poster that can rival my chat smack. He's good.
  9. Propoganda? Did he vote against the bill or not? I know, I know you state that the children were already protected. However, apparently the bill needed to be written to make it clear. He voted against it. Why?
  10. View Conversation
    Take a look at the actual bill before you say anything. I'm the one who's ignorant, but I'm not the one basing my opinion of someone on propoganda.

    Why aren't you outwardly speaking against the Illinois Board of Health?

    I guess you're wildest nightmare is going to come true today. Good luck, pal.
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2nd Gen Muskie. '02 and '11 Grad
Denver, Co


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07-27-2014 12:45 AM
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