Conversation Between nuts4xu and Snipe

10 Visitor Messages

  1. We all serve the Garvin. It is Garvin's world Snipe, we all just happen to live in it.

  2. I did a google search using Snipe's real name, and one of the pictures that came up was this guy here from South Park. I don't know if Snipe knows Tre Parker or not, but props to him for getting a South Park character named after him. This ups his cred immensely.

    This guy looks EXACTLY like the Snipe man!!! How uncanny!!!
  3. All is forgiven. Nuts is a Great American.
  4. I had no idea DAllen was GG when I added his as a friend. Really. No idea.
  5. Snipe Jr needs more Fred Garvin. Snipe shoulda brought the kid to Mulligan's last night.

  6. Great to see Jesus Christ still is tight with Snipe. Snipe needs all the Jesus he can get.
  7. First post of the New Year. I own this forum.
  8. Boo on you for cheering for the flyers!! I would negative rep you but I have to "spread it around".

  9. I have been a little out of touch lately. Glad I found out about the new board. One of these days soon I will make it up to the rafters to say hi to the posse. Just make sure you have plenty of O2 for me when I complete my climb.
  10. Welcome Nuts. I was wondering where in the hell you were. It wouldn't be a board without you.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10