View Full Version : P90x

01-13-2009, 09:49 PM
Has anyone ever used this P90X program?

I was interested in taking it on and just wanted to see if anyone had used it in the past and if you had positive results?

Nigel Tufnel
01-14-2009, 08:36 AM
Hell yeah, it works....it will friggin' kill you too. I'm actually getting ready to start it up again here in the upcoming weeks. I don't follow it to the letter...and I don't even follow the diet...just doing the workouts, I guarantee you you will see results within 2-3 weeks.

It has different DVD's....I've never actually followed it for 90 whole days (the commitment involved is more than I can muster) and I mix up the workouts. It breaks down like this for the first stage:

Day 1: Chest and Back/Ab Ripper X
Day 2: Plyometrics (jump training)
Day 3: Arms/Ab Ripper X
Day 4: Yoga
Day 5: Legs/Ab Ripper X
Day 6: Kempo
Day 7: Rest or X Stretching

Each workout is at least an hour long, so if you have the time, go for it, you won't regret it. I just do Chest/Ab Ripper, Plyometrics, Arms/Ab Ripper, and mix in some yoga/jogging or kempo the last couple of days. Yoga....man, at first, I felt a little silly doing it...well, the Yoga on P90X is EXTREME yoga....and I wasn't able to come close to completing it....after about half an hour I was sweating like Patrick Ewing in the 4th quarter of a playoff game....the yoga also manages to mix in about 50-75 pushups as well.

The Ab Ripper is what is awesome. 15 minute dvd....350 ab exercises. You will notice a difference in your abs within a couple of weeks.

The only negative about P90X is the time involved...I have 3 kids, work about 55-60 hours a week....so its hard to find at least an hour a day to work out. Its funny you posted this...I've been working up the motivation to start it back up this weekend and wake up next week around 6:00 a.m. every morning to work out. From past experience, I know once I actually suck it up and start doing it, I will feel absolutely great (of course sore as hell those first couple of weeks)

If you've got the time and motivation, do it, you will be raving about it in the near future.

01-14-2009, 10:52 AM
I got tired just reading Nigel's post on the subject. There is no d@mn way I'll exercise to that extent.

01-14-2009, 02:31 PM
Thanks for the info Nigel!

I work 40 hours a week and hit up grad school for another 9 a week, but I can always find a way to get my workouts in. (The 3 kids part would definitely have an effect on that.)

My goal is not to lose weight, so that is why I asked. I'm just bored of going up to the Y and doing the whole weight lifting routine. Just wanted to try something new, so I'll definitely give this a whirl!

Thanks again for the info!

BBC 08
01-14-2009, 04:18 PM
Was doing some basic research for myself on the P90x and came across this website, link (http://dandv.wikispaces.com/P90X-FAQ-Wiki), hope it helps.

Nigel Tufnel
01-14-2009, 05:56 PM
It boils down to this...if you want to be completely ripped and have hardly any body fat, follow p90x to the letter....if you want to get in really good shape, just do the workouts and use your head when you eat. Like I said, I didn't follow the diet at all....just ate smart and tried to stay away from too much beer (that was the hardest part) and I noticed a huge difference in a month. I'm not obese either....just kind of the pear shaped beer belly type...but it definitely made a difference. Hell, I didn't even do the pull ups....in the chest/back dvd, the people doing the workouts probably do 80-90 pull ups in an hour....right. I didn't have a pull up bar so I just did other exercises while they did the pull ups.

Get the push up bars though...they help with range of motion and don't put so much stress on your wrists.

If you do p90x workouts 5-6 days a week, you will get in shape and feel good....if you want to be sculpted like a Greek God, do the diet and all that stuff.

Hell, I bet if you did p90x yoga 5 days a week only, you'd be in some of the best shape of your life...

Good luck.

01-14-2009, 07:59 PM
Nigel, I tried repping you for the Patrick Ewing line, but I have to wait before repping you again. And, yes, I have heard the "sweating like Ewing" thing before, but it's always funny.

05-11-2009, 05:59 PM
P90x follow-up... how did everyone do?

05-11-2009, 06:28 PM
I haven't done p90x yet, have considered it though. I kinda just do my own thing at the company gym for about 60-75 minutes. HIIT Cardio and alternate days for upper body and lower body strength training. Don't really follow a certain diet either, just make sure to eat decent (pretty much cut out sugar and fried food). Lost 40 pounds since new years, first time I have actually stuck with working out and eating well (if seeing your dad at the "young" age of 56 have a heart attack doesn't put the fear of God in you, nothing will).

05-11-2009, 09:04 PM
I read about it, popped a Fat Tire and took a nap.