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08-16-2011, 10:00 PM
Perry, Palin and Bachmann are all subscribers to Dominionism. News to me until very recently. Any adherents on the board? Talk about your Christian agendas.

Scene: BMV license renewal station. Christian Bureaucrat to applicant: Can I see you baptismal certificate please?

X Factor
08-16-2011, 10:42 PM
The Left is going to try ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to destroy a conservative nominee.

I'm sure they'll be a lot of people out there that fall for it hook, line and sinker just like they did with Obama's hope and change bit.

08-16-2011, 11:42 PM
Christ, is this really what politics has boiled down to in our country?

08-16-2011, 11:58 PM
Perry, Palin and Bachmann are all subscribers to Dominionism. News to me until very recently. Any adherents on the board? Talk about your Christian agendas.

Scene: BMV license renewal station. Christian Bureaucrat to applicant: Can I see you baptismal certificate please?

What, no link?

Why don't you link to the Christian hating Jew who wrote that article (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/08/14/dominionism-michele-bachmann-and-rick-perry-s-dangerous-religious-bond.html)? Everyone knows what antisemitism is, but our language has no words for Jews that like to attack Christians like Michele Goldberg. That is not a bug, but a feature in modern political discourse.

That woman flat out hates Christians and sees fascism just around the corner. Check out some of here book reviews on Amazon.

Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism (http://www.amazon.com/Kingdom-Coming-Rise-Christian-Nationalism/dp/0393060942/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top)

Michelle Goldberg does not like Christians. Michelle Goldberg thinks that Christians smell bad. Michelle Goldberg gets an icky feeling when she stands next to a Christian, and, later, Michelle Goldberg is sure that Christian cooties crawl up and down her body. Ew. Michelle Goldberg needs to take a long, hot shower.

All is not lost. Michelle Goldberg is a liberal. A progressive. A multiculturalist. Michelle Goldberg celebrates diversity.

So, Michelle Goldberg met with Christians, and they were nice to her. She realized then that her prejudice was incorrect. Christians confided their deepest concerns. Like her, she discovered, Christians want a healthy, happy, safe America, where children thrive, the truth is proclaimed, and freedom and justice prevail. They may disagree on how to achieve these ends, but Michelle Goldberg realized that we all have to live with people with whom we disagree, and that the challenge is to find that way of coexisting with diverse neighbors that makes America great, and our democracy, not only strong, but possible.

The final paragraph, above, is, of course, wishful thinking.

"Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism," is the most hateful book I've ever read, and I study hate and have read classics in the genre. What makes this book so painful is that when other hate mongers were plying their trade, they had some wound that the reader could understand as exacerbating their hatred. What happened in Goldberg's short, privileged life to make her hate so much?

The book jacket, in its colors, fonts, and design, is meant to evoke a propaganda poster of Nazis giving the "sieg heil" salute. This one, hate-mongering lie alone is cheap and malicious enough to render Goldberg radioactive to any ethical person.

In this case, you *can* tell a book by its cover. Goldberg equates or associates Christianity with Nazism throughout her short, mean, ugly text (eg: pp 10, 22, 33, 54, 73, 153, 179, 188). When Goldberg is not equating Christians with Nazis, she is equating Christians with Muslims - not dimple-cheeked, multiculti Muslim poster children, but, specifically, Islamic terrorists (eg: p 22, 31, 39, 207-210).

For good measure, Goldberg compares American malls to Stalinist architecture. As someone who lived in the Soviet empire, I just have to say, in her architectural criticism, no less than in her hate-mongering, Goldberg comes across as a hyperbolic chucklehead. I can just imagine the kind of restaurant reviews this chick would pump out. They'd be a weight lose bonanza.

Haters must invent their Other of Choice. Otherwise, they'd see that human beings are all brothers and sisters. Goldberg invents her other of choice in a group that she admits, right up front, that she herself made up: "Christian Nationalists." She provides the manifesto for this group, a document that she, as she readily admits, made up (6-8). In this, Goldberg is very like the authors of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," a book to which this book, for all the right reasons, is frequently compared. (Do the Google search, and get back to me.)

I know I've got only a thousand words here and should not be repeating myself, but did you get that, Gentle Reader? Goldberg, in a book published by a mainstream publishing house, *invented* a *fictitious* group of Christians, and their fictitious manifesto, which she penned *herself.* By her own admission. Is this bugging you as much as it bugged me? Jeez, I hope so.

Let's cut to the chase here. How would you feel about a book that invented a name and a manifesto for a random collection of otherwise unconnected Jews who supported the war in Iraq? And claimed that they were involved in an unproved and unprovable conspiracy to take over the US? A conspiracy so scary that the sane, decent person's only recourse is, as Goldberg insists is the only recourse to "Christian Nationalism," to "keep your passport handy and your bags packed"? (Where is Goldberg planning to go? She doesn't say.) How would you feel if someone grouped together all Homosexuals or all Jehovah's Witnesses or all musical comedy ticket buyers in the US, persons otherwise unconnected, slapped some spooky moniker on them, made a bunch of cheap comparisons between them and the Nazis or the Stalinists or Boris Badenoff and Natasha, used some cut-and- paste "conspiracy theory central" word processing program to create their manifesto and claimed that they were about to take over the country?

Yes, there are Christians who do some of the things Goldberg accuses Christians of doing: they lobby government officials; they attend Town Hall meetings; they publish Op Ed pieces; they join the PTA; they learn debate skills. Goldberg wants us to believe that these very behaviors aren't the backbone of a multicultural democracy, but are some noxious virus that threatens your life. Goldberg has no evidence of Christians doing any of the following: stockpiling weapons, planning to blow up buildings, planning, in fact, to harm anyone.

Yes, many Christians, as Goldberg claims, are uncomfortable with promiscuity among schoolchildren, homosexuality, and abortion. To read this book, you'd think that Christians are the only ones who object to these things. Goldberg is wrong. Atheist Bill Maher couldn't get through a stand-up routine without homophobic "jokes." Demonizing Christians does nothing to help gay people. And plenty of non-Christians have a problem with abortion. Demonizing Christians won't advance women's right to choose, or reconcile that right with the vexing questions abortion entails.

On the East Coast, the West, and in the heartland, I've worked on feminist, gay rights, and peace issues. I've marched, canvassed, and broadcast, often shoulder-to-shoulder with Evangelical Christians. In Red State Indiana, my greatest inspirations and support in gay rights struggles were born again Christians. Just thinking of them, right now, within the context of this vile book, I am, frankly, on the verge of tears.

Now to be honest, I haven't read her book. I have seen her on MSNBC and I was struck by the fact that she doesn't like Christian conservatives.

Now for calliing her out as a Jewish bigot, as I believe she is, I would expect to be called antisemitic.

I provided the link to her article that Emp didn't. These right wing Christians apparently think that "Christians have a God-given right to rule all earthly institutions." to quote from here article. Has anyone here ever spoke to a Christian like that? I haven't met one. That is not to say that they don't exist, but I don't fear for our nation from an influx of God fearing Christians like Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry. My fear about them is that they are not up to the job, not if they believe in Christ. Bachman is just as inexperienced as Barack Obama, and we see how that turned out. Perry doesn't impress me either, but I don't fear his religion. His religion is the least of my fears. Barack Obama embraced radical "Liberation Theology" of Reverend Wright and hung out with Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers. If that passed the test, I think Michelle and Rick should be able to go to church without some radical leftist Christian hating Jew bigot raising any questions.

Thank you.

“[W]hat makes the New Apostolic Reformation movement so potent is its growing fascination with infiltrating politics and government,” wrote Forrest Wilder. Its members “believe Christians—certain Christians—are destined to not just take ‘dominion’ over government, but stealthily climb to the commanding heights of what they term the ‘Seven Mountains’ of society, including the media and the arts and entertainment world.”

What if a Christian wrote about Jews? You aren't allowed to even talk about Jews, you antisemitic bastard. Shut up already. But what if they did, and they talked about Jews seeking dominion over the world, or pointing out that Jews fund 60% of the Democratic party while being 2% of the population. What about the influence of Jews in the media or Hollywood. What happened to Rick Sanchez after an offhand joke about Jewish power? What if a Christian talked about the growing influence of "Jews". I doubt they would be featured in the mainstream media and news organizations, but this Christian hater is accepted and on TV. I saw her on last week talking about Christians. I was amazed at the boldness she had. You don't see many Christians on TV talking about Jews, and if you ever do, they talk about them in glowing references.

I think that Jews are allowed to not like Christians and do it publicly, and she is a great example of this. The bigotry and hatred come right out, and it doesn't matter that she has compared Christians to Nazis for no good reason other than she doesn't like them or their political views.

08-16-2011, 11:59 PM
The Left is going to try ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to destroy a conservative nominee.

I'm sure they'll be a lot of people out there that fall for it hook, line and sinker just like they did with Obama's hope and change bit.

Actually, a lot of centrists and even moderate conservatives don't like the three candidates he listed. Nice try blaming it solely on "the Left," which is probably a large, single-minded mass of people.

08-17-2011, 12:54 AM
Actually, a lot of centrists and even moderate conservatives don't like the three candidates he listed. Nice try blaming it solely on "the Left," which is probably a large, single-minded mass of people.

What am I? Would you judge me a moderate or centrist? I don't like Bachmann or Perry. I guess that makes me a moderate.

A lot of centrists and moderates don't like Obama. They have had a taste, and his approval rating just went under 40%. It is in the 30's. That is Bush territory. I think that one of my theories might work here, and that is that most Americans are disillusioned and think that nobody can save us from the inevitable collapse.

Hope and Change didn't work out so well. But Perry and Bachmann are not any reasonable answer. I admit that I am ignorant of Perry, I just don't like him as a one off. With Michelle, she is as qualified to lead us as Barack Obama, and that turned out so well.

I want someone that has an actual plan. I would rather have T. Boone Pickens than an Republican or Democrat in the race. He may be wrong, but by God he has a plan. He at least knows where the hell he is going. He has a goal, and he is working to get there. That beats any of them. I long for the crazy madman Ross Perot. Why don't we ever get a capitalist in there that knows how things get done? Romney isn't a poor choice with his private sector experience in that regard, but I want more than that.

I still believe that if Ross Perot would have been elected President this would be a much different nation. And if you possibly benefited liberals too, as independent candidates could then be credible. Ralph Nader? What if we had him instead of Bush or Kerry? I can't see how anything would have been much worse, and I bet some things would have been better. Ron Paul? He is hated by everyone and he almost won the Ames straw poll. Ron Paul would get you out of these fruitless wars, and he wouldn't apologize and would do it right now. My God we are idiots for all of this. Our children are going to curse us.

Ron Paul is right, but he gets no media time of day because they want Bachmann. They basically got the same number of votes. Nobody will talk to the man if you look at comparative media coverage. He is completely ignored. You get more traction from Rick Santorum, who is an asswhipe in the first degree.

Give me either Paul Ryan or Chris Christie. If not it is Mitt. If it is anyone else, I really fear for us.

And you lefites can contribute too. Obama isn't running. Go to your primaries and vote for Ron Paul. You may have to live with the stigma of voting in a Republican primary, but he will end these wars. I beg you to do this.

Obama was the anti-war President, until he became President and expanded the wars and even created new ones. Take Libya. Please. We kill people now in Somalia, Yemen and Pakistan too. I am sure that is not all.

How much longer in Afghanistan? How much longer in Iraq?

We can't afford the empire. That is what Ron Paul says, and he is right. In Ohio you can vote in a Republican primary just by showing up. You don't have to be registers. Just show up. Vote Ron Paul. End these wars.

I said it on here that Obama would be just like Bush, only with more spending. Boy did I nail that prediction. That kid is George Bush on steroids, and we even have seven more states.

Stop the madness. Ron Paul would end these wars. I think that we are all tired of them now. I have a 8 and a 10 year old, and I don't like mediating their arguments. Who wants to be a policeman for the world when I can't even stand trying to legate a dispute with an 8 and 10 year old. This world is going to hell anyway, just leave them alone and let them sort it out. Afghanistan will not be civilized in your lifetime no matter what we do. No Jeffersonian democracy there. They are a bunch of inbred tribes hell bent on taking power once we leave. Doesn't matter if we leave now or ten years.

My prediction is that it all ends bad. Vote for someone to stop the madness. We can't afford it any longer without hitting a breaking point.

08-17-2011, 07:00 AM
I just want anyone who will make the lefts collective heads explode.

My ideal candidate would:

1) Force everyone to be baptized by Jerry Falwell (not sure if he is even alive, if not we will find someone else).
2) Force all people to carry guns, even children.
3) Burn all books that are offensive to Christians or conservitives.
4) Force all people to shop at Walmart.
5) Give all Gov't contracts to Walmart or Hallibuton.
6) Roll old people off cliffs. Not figuritivley, but actually roll real live old people off off cliffs.
7) Outlaw Unions (This would make blood come out of Ed Shultz's eyes).
8) Outlaw anything organic or bought using fair trade practices.
9) Encourage smoking and point out the benefits of smoking.
10) Expand the military to 75% of GDP.
11) Get involved in more wars.
12) Force prayer in school.
13) Outlaw public transportation.
14) Force people to eat transfats and salt at every meal.
15) Tax the poor at 50% and give it to the rich.
16) Outlaw Che T-shirts.
17) Outlaw green Energy.
18) Drill in all of our National Parks, even if there is no oil there.
19) Outlaw Art.
20) Outlaw all forms of public transportation.
21) Take NPR's funding and give it to Foxnews.

Would we then live in a Totalitarian Hell Hole? Probably, but I would still vote for this person.

I really get off on watching lefties freak out. Does that make me a sick perv?
Yup, but I still get to vote. My vote cancels out Ya'alls.

08-17-2011, 08:09 AM
I liked Romney's statement the other day, "it doesn't matter who runs on the Republican ticket, they can beat Obama"


08-17-2011, 09:03 AM
Ron Paul is right, but he gets no media time of day because they want Bachmann. They basically got the same number of votes. Nobody will talk to the man if you look at comparative media coverage. He is completely ignored. You get more traction from Rick Santorum, who is an asswhipe in the first degree.


This is why I love the Daily Show.

08-17-2011, 09:35 AM

This is why I love the Daily Show.

Stewart is a better newsman than most serious newsmen.

08-17-2011, 09:50 AM
Great clip Juice. Stewart hit the nail on the head. It doesn't matter how well Ron Paul does in any poll, he gets no interviews and no credit. He is instantly dismissed. How can you run a campaign if the media refuses to cover it?

Obama was elected largely by a fawning media. Had they done everything they could to marginalize him, ignore him and mock him things could have turned out much differently.

I think Democrats and the media want to see Bachmann in there, because she would be easy to make fun of and defeat. I don't think that they want Paul at all. They don't agree with his politics and he is the only real anti-war candidate running for President. I remember when Obama was the anti-war candidate. I remember when the left actually had a passionate anti-war wing. People here even went to protests and demonstrations. Then Obama got elected and all the opposition went away. It shows how shallow and partisan many of their motivations were in the first place.

If their are still people on the left that are passionate about ending these wars, they need to show up to the primaries and vote for Ron Paul. He is the only one that will do it, and you better believe that when he says it he actually means it. He isn't kidding. It is a crime he doesn't get any more media time. I wish he would have gotten the 150+ votes to win the straw poll just to see what they would have said then. They still would have dismissed him for sure. I think that just like our military-industrial complex we have a media-industrial complex and I don't think that either of them care for Ron Paul.

08-17-2011, 10:03 AM
Here is a better quality video clip of the same Stewart rant:


08-17-2011, 10:08 AM
Great clip Juice. Stewart hit the nail on the head. It doesn't matter how well Ron Paul does in any poll, he gets no interviews and no credit. He is instantly dismissed. How can you run a campaign if the media refuses to cover it?

Obama was elected largely by a fawning media. Had they done everything they could to marginalize him, ignore him and mock him things could have turned out much differently.

I think Democrats and the media want to see Bachmann in there, because she would be easy to make fun of and defeat. I don't think that they want Paul at all. They don't agree with his politics and he is the only real anti-war candidate running for President. I remember when Obama was the anti-war candidate. I remember when the left actually had a passionate anti-war wing. People here even went to protests and demonstrations. Then Obama got elected and all the opposition went away. It shows how shallow and partisan many of their motivations were in the first place.

If their are still people on the left that are passionate about ending these wars, they need to show up to the primaries and vote for Ron Paul. He is the only one that will do it, and you better believe that when he says it he actually means it. He isn't kidding. It is a crime he doesn't get any more media time. I wish he would have gotten the 150+ votes to win the straw poll just to see what they would have said then. They still would have dismissed him for sure. I think that just like our military-industrial complex we have a media-industrial complex and I don't think that either of them care for Ron Paul.

Count me as one left winger who would love it if Ron Paul got the GOP nomination. I disagree with him fiercely on economic issues but love him on the social side of things. The idea of Michelle Bachmann getting the nomination terrifies me. Paul is a real libertarian who has been consistent for years. He is, as you say, the only real anti-war candidate in the race on either side. And that is precisely why the media hate him, because nothing sells publications and boosts ratings like war.

08-17-2011, 10:09 AM
Count me as one left winger who would love it if Ron Paul got the GOP nomination. I disagree with him fiercely on economic issues but love him on the social side of things. The idea of Michelle Bachmann getting the nomination terrifies me. Paul is a real libertarian who has been consistent for years. He is, as you say, the only real anti-war candidate in the race on either side. And that is precisely why the media hate him, because nothing sells publications and boosts ratings like war.


08-17-2011, 10:33 AM
Libtards are so stupid

Welcome back, "Chuck Dodd." You've been missed.

08-17-2011, 10:33 AM
Ron Paul would have a lot of people who disagreed with his ideas, but most people would respect him. He doesn't seem to be swayed by the big money businesses that both sides generally cling to. The fact that he's GOP but doesn't follow suit with the party on most social issues really draws me to him. The fact that he endorsed the Constitution Party candidate in the last election, however, makes me a little apprehensive. He is exactly the type of candidate America needs (not necessarily based on his libertarian leaning ways, more on the fact that he follows what he actually believes, not what the money says), which is exactly why he'll never get elected. I would love to see the candidate put him as a VP nominee to be the voice of reason.

08-17-2011, 11:07 AM
My over/under side bet on Snipe hijacking this thread with astroturf and red herrings: 10 posts. I was off. Typical Shoot the Messenger/ad hominem rhetorical fallacies. The Jewbaiting is getting pretty heavy, though.

"Dominionism" is not some jewboy media slur term for Xtian fundamentalism; it is a self-selected term. In a country where better than half of the adults believe evolution is a scientific lie, and politicians and judges make it a point to post the 10 Commandments as America's God given law, its not hard to understand why Dominionism would give capital-C Cover to those who see gain in pandering to fundamentalist Christians.

DC Muskie
08-17-2011, 11:42 AM
Great clip Juice. Stewart hit the nail on the head. It doesn't matter how well Ron Paul does in any poll, he gets no interviews and no credit. He is instantly dismissed. How can you run a campaign if the media refuses to cover it?

Obama was elected largely by a fawning media. Had they done everything they could to marginalize him, ignore him and mock him things could have turned out much differently.

I think Democrats and the media want to see Bachmann in there, because she would be easy to make fun of and defeat. I don't think that they want Paul at all. They don't agree with his politics and he is the only real anti-war candidate running for President. I remember when Obama was the anti-war candidate. I remember when the left actually had a passionate anti-war wing. People here even went to protests and demonstrations. Then Obama got elected and all the opposition went away. It shows how shallow and partisan many of their motivations were in the first place.

If their are still people on the left that are passionate about ending these wars, they need to show up to the primaries and vote for Ron Paul. He is the only one that will do it, and you better believe that when he says it he actually means it. He isn't kidding. It is a crime he doesn't get any more media time. I wish he would have gotten the 150+ votes to win the straw poll just to see what they would have said then. They still would have dismissed him for sure. I think that just like our military-industrial complex we have a media-industrial complex and I don't think that either of them care for Ron Paul.

Does it ever get tiring of blaming the media?

There are things that I like about Ron Paul. However, the majority of Americans do not.

It's about money. Ron Paul doesn't bring in the cash.

But please continue to blame the media.

08-17-2011, 12:56 PM
DC, no I never get tired of blaming the media. If it is all about the money, that doesn't explain why the media didn't cover his virtual tie in the Straw poll. I think the Stewart piece was brilliant. And maybe if he got more coverage in the media he would have more money. Some of it might be a chicken and egg thing.


I honestly believe that Michelle Goldberg hates Christians. That isn't baiting. I think that she is a bigot. I don't think it is fair to talk about the "parallels between Nazism and the American religious right". The National Socialist Party in Germany was a socialist movement and it started on the left. To write a book pushing the agenda that evangelical Christians are Nazi's is not just fundamentally wrong on the facts, but it is hateful to do so. I don't know why this bigot gets airtime.

If you just stumbled over Ms. Goldberg, I wanted to point out her history to you. I am not the only person who thinks this way.

Michelle Goldberg and ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Evangelicalism’ (http://theothermccain.com/2011/08/17/michelle-goldberg-and-the-protocols-of-the-learned-elders-of-evangelicalism/)

Da Tech Guy yesterday made passing reference to something I had previously noticed but chosen to ignore: Michelle Goldberg’s article at the Daily Beast warning that both Michelle Bachmann and Rick Perry are in league with “some of America’s most radical theocrats.”

Can we just call this what it is, namely fear-mongering and bigotry against devout Christians? Because I’m frankly sick and tired of this little game, which has been going on for decades but is seldom called out for what it really is.

If a conservative were to accuse liberal Jews of conspiring for political dominance, he would be automatically condemned as an anti-Semite and purged from polite society. And yet no liberal is ever condemned for accusing conservative Christians of conspiring for political dominance.

This goes back at least as far as Norman Lear and People for the American Way, and the same agitprop methods have been pursued quite lucratively by the disgraced and disgraceful Southern Poverty Law Center.

Fear of a Christian theocracy, the alleged objective of schemes purportedly hatched and incubated by secretive cabals of fundamentalists, has been a persistent theme of liberal journalism and advocacy for at least three decades now. But where is this theocracy they’ve warned us about?

I think his point here is well taken.

Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann desire some radical theocracy to take over the world and impose Christianity! Really? That is news? Where have I heard that before, oh yeah, George Bush. How did George Bush's theocracy turn out? Oh, yeah, George Bush didn't have a theocracy, and Christianity was not imposed on society. Isn't it silly to even talk about that now?

Michelle Goldberg writes articles about Glenn Beck's antisemitism. She has to explain all the "dog whistles" that Beck uses. She has to use the term "dog whistles" because Beck didn't explicitly say antisemitic things. She is part of the anti-Semite police in the media. But she can write books comparing American Christians on the right to Nazis. No dog whistles there. She can claim that Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann are part of radical Christian theocratic sect that wants to dominate the world. No dog whistle there. She doesn't have to use dog whistles, she can be explicit as she wants and lets the hate flow. She isn't the only one either.

And liberals like you eat that stuff up Emp. You talk about "AstroTurf", and I asked you to define it several times. I can convinced you don't even know what it means. What is this thread? You just regurgitated the crap that Goldberg was dishing without even thinking about how silly you sound. For a thinking intellectual that you purport to be, you can be a real mindless idiot at times.

More from my link above:

To hear them tell it, we are always but one election cycle away from the dawn of a Margaret Atwood dystopia — If Republicans win, the Bible-thumping fascists will impose their morals on us all! – yet we recently passed through several years of GOP dominance and I don’t recall any headlines about the National Morality Police shutting down gay discos or strip joints during the Nightmare Era of Bushdom.

Goldberg works her Chicken Little act quite successfully, making the bestseller lists and collecting prestigious literary awards for her scary stories about the Fundamentalist Menace. Why? Because they’re an easy target to demonize in the eyes of the secular urban elites who comprise the intellectual leadership of modern liberalism.

Modern liberals are predisposed to hate Christians, and Goldberg is a world-class expert at feeding their hatred. She is to anti-Christian propaganda what Julius Streicher was to anti-Semitic propaganda, yet it seems no one dares to call her out for her despicable fostering of fear and bigotry.

Michelle Goldberg is a hideous person.

PM Thor
08-17-2011, 02:25 PM
I want a viable candidate. I don't care where they come from, I want a real, honest to goodness leader. We haven't had one of those in decades. Bachmann? Perry? Cain? Obama? All schmucks. It's like we have 2 parties of NO nowadays, and parties are using ideological differences as if it's a sledgehammer in order to stop anything in the form of compromise, if it means the other side cannot have any political traction from moving forward. Both sides are doing it.

We need statesmen, all we have now are politicians. And yeah, I hope Paul runs, he's a dollars and cents conservative, but is not tied down to the lunacy that is coming with some of these so called social conservatives, signing whackadoo "pledges" and the whatnot.

I HATE dayton.

08-17-2011, 02:29 PM
I hope Paul runs

You got your wish there. He's knee deep into it already.

PM Thor
08-17-2011, 02:32 PM
You got your wish there. He's knee deep into it already.

Sorry, meant I hope he gets the nomination. Worst case scenario would be that he runs as an independent, splitting the Repub vote.

I HATE dayton.

DC Muskie
08-17-2011, 07:36 PM
DC, no I never get tired of blaming the media. If it is all about the money, that doesn't explain why the media didn't cover his virtual tie in the Straw poll. I think the Stewart piece was brilliant. And maybe if he got more coverage in the media he would have more money. Some of it might be a chicken and egg thing.

Not really. There have been plenty of examples of candidates who were media darlings and lost. Lost early. Flamed out. Whatever. In the end its about money and it isn't "the media's" job to fundraise for Ron Paul.

His "virtual tie?" He lost. He lost in a state fundraiser. Who cares?

Ron Paul also comes across as the neighborhood grandpa.